
Many commands were copied from here

Solo streets mode with cheats

map dl_streets;
sv_cheats 1;
citadel_hero_testing_enabled true;
selecthero hero_inferno;
citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhere true;
citadel_hero_testing_infinite_money true;

This combination of commands loads you into the map with cheats enabled, allowing you to explore freely and buy whatever items you wish from anywhere.

New HP Bar

citadel_unit_status_use_new true;

Enables the new health bar style.


sv_cheats 1;

Or 0 for cheats off.

Change region


You can change your server region in Deadlock. Use (-1) for automatic, (0) for NA, (1) for EU, (2) for Asia, (3) for SA, and (5) for Oceania.

enable/disable hud




This command lets you adjust the gap the crosshair. Allows for negative values which is impossible to do in the settings.


sensitivity "0.99";
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.818933027098955175";

Let’s you customize your sensitivity with more precision than the settings menu allows for. The provided zoom sensitivity ration will give you a 1:1 ratio between normal and zoomed modes.


alias +duckjump "+duck;+in_mantle";
alias -duckjump "-duck;-in_mantle";
bind space +duckjump;
bind mwheeldown "+in_mantle";

Binds mouse wheel down to jump and allows you to use space for mantle only. This leads to no accidental stamina used for double jump


fps_max 240;
fps_max_tools 120;
fps_max_ui 120;
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick "true";

Nvidia Low Latency

r_low_latency 2;


alias "d" "disconnect";

Auto types commands with one letter.

alias "q" "quit";
alias "s" "status";
alias "rs" "mp_restartgame 1";

Voice toggle

bind "J" toggle voice_modenable true;

Toggles voice chat on(true) or off(false).


rate 196608 

Choose between 62500 - 1000000 depending on internet bandwidth. Don’t exceed 80% of your internet bandwidth.

Recording settings

bind "J" toggle citadel_hud_visible true;

Turns hud on(true) or off(false).

bind "J" toggle cl_lock_camera true;

Locks camera, (true/false)

bind "J" toggle cl_showpos 1 0;

Shows hero position and velocity.

bind "J" toggle host_timescale 1 0.2

Toggles the speed of the game for cinematics.

bind "J" "incrementvar citadel_observer_roaming_speed 600 2400 300"

Cycle through various speeds of the spectator camera.

bind "J" cl_ent_actornames 1 0

Displays unit IDs.

build version & HUD

r_show_build_info 0;
cl_hud_telemetry_ping_show 0;
cl_hud_telemetry_net_misdelivery_show 0;
cl_hud_telemetry_frametime_show 0;
citadel_display_new_player_recommendations false;
citadel_playtest_warning_count 2;


gameinstructor_enable false;
citadel_hint_system_disable true;

Testing Tools

bind "X" toggle citadel_hero_testing_enabled true; 

Allows use of sandbox testing tools anywhere.

bind "X" noclip;

Toggles noclip.

bind "X" toggle hud_damagemeter 1;

Turns dps meter on(1) / off(0).

citadel_hero_testing_enabled 1;
citadel_crate_respawn_interval 0;
citadel_allow_duplicate_heroes 1;
citadel_allow_purchasing_anywhere 1;

Allows buying items anywhere.

Spawn Items

bind "X" ent_create citadel_item_pickup;

Spawn soul urn.

bind "X" ent_create citadel_item_pickup_rejuv;

Spawn rejuvenator.

Spawn NPCs

bind "X" npc_create neutral_trooper_weak;

Jungle Camp T1.

bind "X" npc_create neutral_trooper_strong;

Jungle Camp T2.

bind "X" npc_create neutral_trooper_normal;

Jungle Camp T3.

bind "X" npc_create npc_super_neutral;

Mid boss.

bind "X" toggle citadel_solo_bot_match 1;

1 or 0

bind "X" citadel_create_unit hero_haze;

Enemy hero.